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Godlike Productions |
A demo of the new H9000 Formant Filter Algorithm developed by Godlike Productions.
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After 4 months of hard work bending VSIG to our will, we're proud to present a 4 Voice Synth algorithm for the Eventide H9000. Feed it MIDI notes, and you'll discover a highly configurable and great sounding synth featuring 2 oscillators plus a sub-oscillator for each voice, 2 filters, distortion, analog saturation and a very flexible modulation matrix with 3 envelopes and 2 LFO's.
Available now at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godlikeprod/e/127840
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Here's my latest crazy project. Building a 4 Voice Synth inside an Eventide H9000.
Still in development, but this thing is FAT.
Demo of finished algorithm at https://youtu.be/piiwbFauTNA
To support my work and get a copy of this when it is completed, point your browser to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godlikeprod
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The Dynamic Send Algorithm allows you to send loud and soft parts of a sound to different FX chains. This is currently available for subscribers only. Head over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godlikeprod to support our work.
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Clan Analogue celebrate 30 Years and the TB-303!
Two events, from 40 years ago and 30 years ago, seemingly unrelated yet completely intertwined, are celebrated in Clan Analogue’s newest compilation release Cognition 303: Bassline Deviations.
In 1982 Roland released a new bass sequencer and synthesizer which manifestly failed in its intended purpose – to replace the bass player.
In 1992 Brendan Palmer and Toby Grime had a chance meeting on a train platform in Sydney, bonding over their shared love of obsolete electronic music instruments, and decided to form an electronic music artists’ collective.
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This is part 2 of our VSIG Programming Tutorial. Fast forwarded parts are just re ordering the blocks. It's boring, no-one needs that.
To support my work, please consider subscribing at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/godlikeprod
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We've been abusing VSIG again, and have come up with the Super Wrap Lite.
This premium algorithm features an upgraded version of the free 14 Stage Wrap algorithm, but this time with two additional wrap algorithms and a selectable number of wraps.
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A demonstration of our latest algorithm from the dark side, the 14 Stage Wrap. This is a non-linear dynamic distortion algorithm that amplifies the signal, but instead of clipping, the signal wraps from full scale to negative full scale up to 14 times. This algorithm has up to 50dB of headroom for interesting options once you run out of wraps.
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This week we are throwing our H9000 fully into the dark side of instability and howling with a morphable state variable filter with feedback. This is best suited to sitting on the borderline of stability and surfing the feedback to create unique and sometime harsh degradation of your input. This filter easily achieves self oscillation, and is best followed up by a compressor or limiter in your H9000 chain.
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Here's a quick demo of our latest Premium Algorithm, the morphable state variable filter, similar to EMU Z-Plane filters. This filter is best used with continuous modulation. The morph parameter is what makes this filter magical.
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A brief tutorial showing how to install and use the H9000 Preset Tool to renumber and install presets on custom algorithms. OSX usage is the same, but installation is simpler, as you don't need to install gzip.
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A demonstration of the custom Multimode Filter with Feedback premium algorithm. This filter can be unstable and can impart self oscillation. This filter is for the experimentalists who like to push their H9000's over the edge.
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A demo of the Multimode Filter Algorithm, a simple stereo filter with modulatable frequency and resonance. This filter can select lowpass, bandpass, highpass and notch filter.
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A demo of the Smooth Shaper Algorithm, the core of the Chaos Shaper algorithms. Non-linear distortion grows smoothly through to noise.
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A demo of the Chaos Shaper Algorithm. The dark side of the H9000.
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A quick demo and explanation of our latest H9000 Algorithm - Autoswell
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A quick demo and explanation of our Stereo Phanger 1 Algorithm, including nearly all available presets.
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A quick video demonstrating the Dub Delay Para algorithm and how to set it up for live tweaking within Ableton Live.
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We've been hard at work on the H9000 and have released a stereo summing mixer with analog warmth, an SPL Stereo Widening algorithm, trance gate and a Dub Delay with Tone Control.
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Godlike Productions and LOST are proud to announce the release of their latest single Lost In The Game. This is a collaboration with Melbourne based soprano Monique Simone, and was an honorable mention in the 2021 Collaborative Music Competition.
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Roland, Jupiter 8, Morph, VST, AU, Plugin
Version 1.3 of Jupiter 8 Morph is now available. There have been extensive bug fixes, especially with the librarian, and a few enhancements. The plugin is available for $79 now.
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Times Of The Sines is proud to be involved with this little project with Dogpark Records
Collaborative Project by Furchick - Furchick provided a range of recordings to the participating artists to create music.
Sounds included the neighbour's party, helicopter, drums, ding dongs, bass on keys, organ, kids workshops and a squeaky dog toy.
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Jamie has been punishing the video editor again, with a video for Snake Skin Jacket. This song will be available soon on the various music stores, so stay tuned. In the meantime, get grooving to the video.
Photosensitivity Warning: Lots of flashing and strobing
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This time we run Kurzweil Forte's Horowitz Grand playing Sarabande (with no reverb), acoustic guitar and a fantastic soprano, Monique Simone, through the Plate Reverbs on the Kurzweil KSP8 and Eventide H9000.
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I'm starting to explore VSIG and taking you along for the ride. This first project is to build a Dub Delay, for Dub Techno. In part 1 we reorganize an existing preset to put a tone control in the feedback loop of a tempo synced delay.
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We run Kurzweil Forte's Horowitz Grand playing Sarabande (with no reverb), acoustic guitar and a fantastic soprano, Monique Simone, through Rooms, Chambers and spaces on the Kurzweil KSP8 and Eventide H9000.
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The legendary Jupiter 8 and TR 909 are run through the effects powerhouse that is the Eventide H9000 as we explore some of the FX chains and algorithms in the H9000.
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Come and live vicariously through me for a bit, as I unbox one of the most powerful and highly respected effects units. We're adding an Eventide H9000 to Dark Heaven Studios.
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Through Clan Analogue, Times Of The Sines has remixed Ming's The Bells, for his latest Addiction EP. Times Of The Sines reimagined this IDM track with an electro breakbeat.
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Roland, Jupiter 8, Morph, VST, AU, Plugin
OK, we've finally released the Jupiter 8 Morph Plugin. This is the software I've been working on for the better part of a year. This is a controller for the hardware Roland Jupiter 8. I'm pretty proud of what I've been able to achieve here, from a synth released in 1981 that didn't have MIDI.
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Times of The Sines is proud to release their latest track "The First Sign". This track represents a new era of Times of The Sines and is the first live track that we've taken back to the studio for some intensive recording work.
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In this tutorial we introduce the Forte and the Deluge to each other and quickly run through some of the features of each device that makes this such a great partnership.
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We build a patch that morphs between oscillators and filters
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Time of the Sines are a collective with members based in Newcastle and Perth and bound together by an obsession for exhilarating beat-driven electronica. Their post-dance post-acid sound bares the DNA of too many genres to mention, but dropping artist names such as Moderat / Chemical Brothers / Fluke / The Crystal Method / FSOL etc wouldn’t do any harm; neither would it do any harm to cite a type of futurist psychedelia that permeates their music and musings.
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Kurzweil, RSP8
Yeah, we know Studio Connections is no longer supported by Yamaha, but it still works, and it's still a great way to take a snapshot of your studio. We've added a GTRC Module to capture and sync your RSP8 configuration.
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Time of the Sines, and the other Godlike Productions artists are proud to join Lightarmour Editions, who will be releasing and distributing some future releases of the band. We are among some pretty amazing talent and we are looking forward to this new creative challenge.
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Some new eye candy from the imagination of James X, along with one of our unreleased tracks.
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In this tutorial we go through the process of doing an OS upgrade of the PC3.
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Time of the Sines is now live on all of the major online music stores, and have released one of our earliest tracks, Man v Machine. This version of Man v Machine is from our very first live gig. We are very excited to finally bring Time of the Sines recordings out to the public, and have some pretty big things planned for the near future.
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The X Lander's Waiting in the Wings is now available at all of the regular stores. A work of several years, this album is a music producers album.
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A brand new video and remix from Times of the Sines
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LOST put the Deluge and Dark Heaven through it's paces to drum up a live little track for Noizemachine
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This time we look at cascading layers through a filter on the PC3, Forte and PC4. This is a little more of an advanced tutorial, but opens up so many possibilities.
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A short tutorial to show one method of applying random tuning variation on each note using the Kurzweil PC3.
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A quick tutorial on the Envelopes available in the PC3 and other Kurzweil synths.
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A brief tutorial on how to add EQ to a patch on the PC3. Also applicable to the PC4 and the Forte.
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We learn how to add vibrato to a sound in this quick tutorial.
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Godlike Productions and LOST are proud to announce the release of their latest single Shattered. Written as part of the Weekly Beats challenge to produce a track each week, this song explores feelings of irrelevance and worthlessness through relationships.
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Time of the Sines got their doof sticks out, rolled in the dust and hooked up to some Funktion One's out in the Perth Bush for a bit of live Techno action.
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Time of the Sines, got the rig out for a keen crowd at The Good Shepherd, here in Perth, Western Australia.
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Dr Vellocet, for some strange reason, let Time of the Sines loose on the crowd of the Artifactory. Much fun and mayhem was had by all, but especially us.
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In this Mikro Tutorial we learn how to program a ping pong delay for Kurzweil series instruments.
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The second Mikro tutorial has been released to the public. Forum subscribers are up to Mikro Tutorial #22, so to get up to date, click the forums link above and subscribe.
In other news, the links for the PC3 Envelope Controller have been updated. Apologies to those of you who couldn't download them. Finally, we are working on new software at the moment to allow import of names from Kurzweil syths into your DAW, for simple program selection and control. More details soon.
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We've been very busy of late working on content for our forums, including a lot of video tutorials that are available to paid subscribers. The first of these video's is below, to show the sort of things that we are covering in this new video series.
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The Puppeteer looks at the various Pulse Width Modulation options available on the Kurzweil PC3, creating a patch with each of the different oscillators available.
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In this tutorial we demonstrate Live Mode (where a live signal is treated by the K2600) and examine both utilizing this mode to use the K2600 as an FX unit, and also some more creative uses for Live Mode.
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Chilling with The Puppeteer, as we program a pad sound.
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We create a virtual analog program on the PC3. We cover the following: Shaped Saw, 2 Pole Hipass, Mogue Filter, Cascade, AMPENV, ENVCTL, Functions, Layer Effects, Sample & Hold, Delay, Reverb, Kaos! Distortion, Compressor.
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The Puppeteer describes the Wrap function and some creative and useful ways to use it. The Wrap function is more than just a noise generator.
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We quickly cover the settings required to sync a Kurzweil PC3 to an Akai MPC2000XL
2:46 Akai MPC Settings
5:01 Kurzweil PC3 Song Mode Settings
8:52 Kurzweil PC3 Setup Mode Common Page Settings
9:52 Syncing PC3 Riffs
13:46 Syncing PC3 Arpeggios
18:45 Wrapping Up
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The Puppeteer takes a close look at the PC3's arpeggiators.
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In Part 1, The Puppeteer demonstrates how to use song mode to create a Riff.
In Part 2, We look at how to assign the riff within the setup editor to each of the zones.
In Part 3, The final part of the riffs tutorial, where we assign controllers and triggers to start and stop the various riffs.
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We discover how to assign controllers such as LFO and Envelopes to modulate the pitch and filter cutoff of a sound in a similar way that you can with standard subtractive synths, like the Jupiter 8. We take a quick tour of the program edit interface. This tutorial is aimed at new Kurzweil Users - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/godlike-productions-pc3
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We take an in depth look at envelopes on the Kurzweil PC3, discuss differences with the K-series, and learn the real time control options for the PC3 via the ENVCTL page. A few tricks we learn is how to turn an Envelope into an LFO, how to have multiple controllable envelopes using cascade mode and we quickly look at the other envelopes available on the PC3 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/godlike-productions-pc3
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Recorded on 4/10/2012 - We take an in depth look at the effects architecture of the Kurzweil PC3, K2600 and the KSP8, wtih the objective of making it easier for you to find your way around and get the programming results that you want. - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/godlike-productions-pc3
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We give an overview of FUNS in this tutorial. What they are, how to use them, their structure and cover a few simple, but common usage examples. - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/godlike-productions-pc3
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An overview of the modes for the PC3 and the object heirarchy presented by The Puppeteer.
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