K2x00 Remote
New Features
- Plugins can be resized by dragging the borders.
- Zoom buttons removed
- Windows VST3 support improved
- Windows VST3's now open in Ableton Live.
Known Issues
- Mac Apple Silicon versions may require a terminal command in order to run. See image below. Intel Mac versions can be opened with right mouse button if OSX complains.
- With the mac versions, we are aware of the plugin not passing the logic validation routine (older versions). This is not something we can fix in the short term, but it is being investigated.
- For macs, we recommend using the standalone versions, especially as the MIDI ports are multiclient.
- This release only supports Mac standalone versions.
- On Windows we recommend launching the plugin from within your DAW and routing MIDI notes through the plugin, as 99.9% of MIDI drivers on Windows are not multiclient.
- On Windows, the plugins may not be fully within the window when launched. Resize and this will fix the issue.
- On Windows, the plugin versions may not remember the last used windows size. Once set in a session, they should be remembered.
- MacOS - If images are not visible, or is all black: delete folder Library/Preferences/<Plugin Name>/ and restart program.
- WINDOWS - If images are not visible, or is all black: delete folder C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\<Plugin Name> and restart program.
As always, if you notice any issues, please let us know here, so we can work on fixes.

New Features
- Added font scaling to the MIDI config window. You can adjust these to make the font fit the screen. For mac we find that Font Size 16 and Horizontal Scaling 1.45 works best, for Windows, Font Size 16, Horizontal Scaling 1.21. These settings should be remembered when you close the standalone or plugin and should be remembered with your host.
- We've fixed some incorrect mappings to some of the buttons, so it should work as expected now.
- An alternative grey K2600 background has been added to the K2600 Remote plugin. This is accessible in the MIDI Config Window.
Known Issues
- With the mac versions, we are aware of the plugin not passing the logic validation routine. This is not something we can fix in the short term, but it is being investigated.
- The mac AU is known to freeze audio in Digital Performer. MOTU have been made aware of the issue. For macs, we strongly recommend using the standalone versions, especially as the MIDI ports are multiclient.
- The Intel Mac versions of the plugin seem to work. The Apple Silicon plugins often have issues but YMMV. The standalone versions work for both platforms however.
- On Windows we recommend launching the plugin from within your DAW and routing MIDI notes through the plugin, as 99.9% of MIDI drivers on Windows are not multiclient.
- On Windows, the VST is not opening in Ableton. We recommend using VST2 for now while we investigate.
As always, if you notice any issues, please let us know here, so we can work on fixes.
V4 Beta
- VST3 apps now appear as the correct author and plugin name.
- Minor Bug fixes
V1.64 Beta Released
New Features
- Deleted an unused asset on K2000/K2500 Remote that would occasionally cause problems with B Soft Button
- KSP8 Version released
- Minor code optimizations
V1.61 Beta Released
New Features:
- Separate apps/plugins for each product
- Hotkeys bound to buttons for keyboard input
- New simplified MIDI configuration menu
- Resizable window with separate zoom control
- New Info Window
- GUI improvements
- MIDI Bandwidth and Queue improvements. Plugin is now more responsive
This software is currently in development and replicates the front panel of the K series instruments. This can be run from within your DAW as a VST or AU, or as standalone software. All communications is over MIDI as Sysex. Downloads are free.
At this stage we will do our best to support Intel Macs, M1 based OSX will need to wait.
Some of the planned features for this are to provide sliders and buttons as on the keyboard versions, to allow sliders and buttons to be mapped to your DAW. There is still some work to be done on optimizing the MIDI bandwidth.
Note that this may show up as Ctrlr, or Instigator in your plugins list (confirmed in Cakewalk).
If it doesn't run on OSX you may need to run this command from terminal
chmod +x /Applications/K2x00R.app/Contents/MacOS/K2x00R
Stay tuned for more...